Mr Dick Friend

Monday 6th May 2019

Tesla cars were the “lead" vehicles on this epic convoy [that is, they were the “leading” vehicles - certainly not the dangerous elemental “lead” kind emitted by older internal combustion engines]. Rapidly travelling up the eastern seaboard, heading off the beaten track in Central Queensland and returning south

Categories: General | Travel
Monday 27th August 2018

"Electric car through Central Australia? You can’t do it!” 
And the one we’ve heard before: “You’ll need an awful long extension cord”.
But when the Tesla Owners Club of Australia (TOCA) announced their AGM would be in Alice Springs, Dick thought it’d be an interesting

Categories: Round Australia | Travel
Tuesday 3rd October 2017

As owner of a Tesla S (aka “Tess”, now 2 years-old & 35,000km travelled), I was invited to the launch of a battery 3-times bigger than any other in the world. I picked up Warren “Billy” Boyles (a Hobart mate from the AEVA = Aus Elec Veh Ass) from Tulla at 10am Wed 27 September and took <=30 min breaks at Ballarat,

Categories: General | Travel