VIC - New and prospective owners Tesla boot camp, members and non-members
This is a free event open to both current members of the Tesla Owners Club of Australia (TOCA) and the general public. We are directly advertising this event through social media to the general public, but existing members should feel free to forward this event to friends and family who are Tesla/EV curious as well.
The event will educate and inform participants through lecture and practical demonstration about the basics of Tesla and other EV ownership including:
- Who are TOCA and why are they so awesome :-)
- Why buy an EV?
- Why buy a Tesla specifically?
- Living with an EV
- Home and local charging
- Software updates: core and navigation data
- Servicing
- Safety features
- Travelling with an EV
- Driver assistance technology: Autopilot vs EAP vs FSD
- DC Fast charging
- Remote area touring
- What to do if something goes wrong
There will be plenty of opportunities to ask questions and breaks to let you absorb all the information.
The event will be held at:
Eastern Innovation Business Centre
5a Hartnett Close
Mulgrave, Vic 3170
There is ample parking on site, and we will have a section of the car park roped off for the exclusive use of attendees.
Event registration is essential using the "Register" button on this page. For existing TOCA Members, this is done using your normal account. For members of the general public who have never attended a TOCA event, you will have to create an account and provide some basic information so that we can communicate with you about the event.
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