TAS - Mystery Drive to Hamilton and Bothwell

23rd August 2023
By Charles Gregory
Southern Tasmanian owners went for a Mystery Drive to the historic towns of Hamilton and Bothwell!

Southern Tasmanian owners went for a Mystery Drive!


The day started by gathering out the front of the currently-under-construction Tesla store and service centre at Derwent Park, in Hobart's northern suburbs.



Photos: Charles Gregory


The destination was announced - first stop Hamilton - and seven vehicles - all Model 3s, two blue and five white - departed in convoy.



Photos: Tim O'Loughlin


The stop in Hamilton was just for a quick coffee and toilet break.  The Hamilton Inn was quite busy, perhaps unsurprisingly due to the perfect weather for a day out!

Photo: Tim O'Loughlin


We continued on to Bothwell and lined up next to the park in the centre of town. The aim was to do it at the end of the park, in a location where there are plans to install a fast charger, but there were some utes parked in the way!  We added an eighth car to the line-up here, as we met up with Marcel here who lives in the Derwent Valley.

Photos: Charles Gregory, Michael Cockburn


We then wandered down to the Castle Hotel for lunch. The reason for the indirect route there was due to a late start due to another lunch booking by the Jaguar car club! We effectively had a room each and enjoyed a fantastic pub lunch!

Photo: Tim O'Loughlin


Photo: Tim O'Loughlin


After lunch, the Jags had moved on, so we gathered our cars in front of the pub for a photoshoot - and also a musical performance!

Photos: Charles Gregory


A special welcome to Chantelle, a Tesla owner from Ontario who was visiting Hobart for work and happened to be here for one of our events! She even got to experience some left-side driving of our winding roads!

Photo: Charles Gregory


At this point, we all dispersed - many of us preferring the more direct route via the Midland Highway. A fantastic day!






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