TAS - Lunch at Bark Mill Tavern, Swansea

19th March 2024
By Charles Gregory

Tesla owners from all around the state gathered at the Bark Mill Tavern in Swansea!


Attendees came from as far away as Wynyard, George Town and the Huon Valley.


Those travelling from the south met up at Wattlebanks Coastal Cafe at Orford for a coffee, then continued on in convoy to Swansea for lunch.


All current models were represented, with both a Model S and Model X making an appearance - alongside the usual 3s/Ys.


We had some long time owners - Derek and Mary, who have had their Model S since 2015 - and some new owners - Peter and Kandi, who picked up their Model Y only a few weeks earlier!


Thanks to all who attended, and to member Aurelien Gouny for organising!







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