ACT Bootcamp a Hit
28th October 2024
By Ross Hetherington

ACT TOCA ran a full day Bootcamp for new and prospective Tesla owners on Sunday 27 October 2024. We had 20 registered attendees who asked many questions during the sessions. The group was very engaging and we had some great conversations on battery management, towing, the big screen menu options, navigation, tips and tricks, road trip planning, chargers and the different types, camping, remote travel, and the external features of the vehicle to name a few. EV Stealth Solutions provided slides for the towing presentation, and we had the remaining gifts from Hankook Tyres
It was interesting to see the interest in towing and battery management, with many myths cleared up during the day.
We had guest speakers Brad and Kylie Martin from Jax Tyre & Auto who again provided some insights into tyre technology and whats on the market now, but also what is coming in the near future. They brought the new "P Zero" EV tyre from Pirelli, a run flat, and mentioned the new Continental EV tyres with a tar coating on the inside to auto-repair minor punctures that is sufficient to get you to your closest tyre repair place. Hankook Tyres were also covered in the presentation, including the hard wearing EVO iON tyres. TOCA members receive a discount from Jax Tyres & Auto on presentation of their digital TOCA card (this is nation wide).
A big thank you to our organiser and Master of Ceremonies, Craig Harvey, who again put together an awesome agenda and delivered a seamless IT set up. Craig also delivered the interior "big screen" session which was well received by the attendees.
Thanks also to our ACT State Representative, Kate Hetherington, who promoted the event and did all the administration, meet and greets, and presented the "Why Join TOCA" component. We included in our collage of photos the ACT's recent trips to the Junee Haunted House and Chocolate Factory trip, and the ACT Rail Trail Biking Experience in Victoria a few weeks ago. Thanks too to Graeme Muddle for his presentations including the New Owner session, and also for fielding questions during the interior tour session.
All up, another very successful Bootcamp.