Noosa EV Expo
27th June 2019
Noosa EV Expo 2019 was on this past weekend for a second year in a row. By shear coincidence Swiss couple Ralf and Nicole traveling in the Tesla Owners Australia supported Tesla happened to find out about it a few days prior. They were staying in Noosa for a couple of nights and at the time of the Expo and were happy to accept an invitation to come and exhibit their vehicle and speak to the visitors about their experience with Tesla.
In the following video is an interview done by Tesla Owners Club Australia member Rado from 'Tesla Owners & Fans Brisbane'. In the interview you will find their answers to some interesting questions about their world trip in Tesla. Also you can see in it, how the dream case fits into the Model S.
Mr&MrsTonTour are back on the road now and heading up towards Cairns. If you see them somewhere say hello. They will be happy to share their story of sustainable travel.