AGM and National Rally 16-18th August
22nd July 2019

Hi everyone,
JOIN US IN BATHURST, enjoy meeting fellow Tesla owners and drive Mt Panorama!! 16-18 August 2019
Mount Panorama is the venue for our 2019 National Rally. We would love to see as many of us as possible enjoy a weekend of both fun and interesting activities as well as some great networking opportunities with other Tesla enthusiasts.
To get you in the mood for Mount Panorama, here’s a video of the opening of the Bathurst Supercharger and a few warm laps of the Mountain!
Bathurst is also the primary venue TOCA’s 2019 Annual General Meeting, which we’re holding during the rally.
Starting with an informal dinner on Friday evening at the Victoria Hotel where you can meet other Tesla enthusiasts and share stories both tall and real.
Saturday morning you have a choice of attending the National Motor Racing Museum or the Australian Fossil Museum.
At 2-00 pm we have the AGM followed at ~4-00 pm by a long convoy of Teslas driving a few laps of Mount Panorama! The TV does not do justice to why they call this Mount Panorama.
Saturday evening is our formal dinner at Rydges. It’s $75/head and needs to be pre-booked so we have numbers. Tickets to the Rally Dinner .
Sunday morning we’ll be saying our good-byes at the Sweet Caramel Cafe and Patisserie before returning home.
Accommodation bookings can be made directly with Rydges. For the best rates call Rydges Mount Panorama direct on +61 2 6338 1888 and say you’re part of the Tesla Owners Club.
The AGM will be held at 2-00pm (AEST) on Saturday, 17 August 2019.
As per our constitution, all office bearer and committee roles are spilled each year with all roles voted in for the next 12 months. This is your opportunity to get more involved with the club and to help guide TOCA as we go through massive growth with the release of the Model 3.
All forms and notices have been uploaded to the club website and will be found here 2019 Annual General Meeting forms Please note, you must be logged in to see this page.
We have four office bearer roles (President, Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary) and nine additional committee member roles. During the AGM we will be asking you to vote on a motion that will ensure there is a representative from each state on the committee – if no representative is nominated, we will hold open that place on the committee. The committee feels this will help ensure proper representation of our members as we move closer towards our state chapter model.
As we are a national club we will be holding the AGM concurrently in each major city using Zoom teleconferencing facilities. If you wish to attend please click on the link and indicate which venue you wish to attend. Register your attendance here
The locations are:
- Rydges Mount Panorama, Bathurst NSW
- Tesla Martin Place, Sydney
- Tesla Fortitude Valley, Brisbane
- Murray Hotel, Perth
- Melbourne, to be advised
- Adelaide , to be advised
- Hobart, to be advised
- and other locations if required - please let the committee know so we can book a room.
I hope to see you all at the 2019 National Rally and Annual General Meeting.
Kind regards,
President Tesla Owners Club of Australia
on behalf of the
Tesla Owners Club of Australia Committee
Website: Register for AGM